The hangman’s knot or hangman’s noose is a well-known knot most often associated with its use in hanging a person.
As the name suggests the hangman’s noose may be used for executing a person.
A variation of this knot is used in fishing and is called the Uni-knot. It is used to tie fishing line to terminal tackle, join two pieces of line, or for snelling hooks. It is especially useful when used with slick braided line as more coils can be added to increase the friction of the knot and will not let the knot pull out. It is also useful in that the knot can be pulled down tight to the lure or it can be left with a larger loop that gives the lure more freedom of movement.
The hangman’s noose can also be used in boating to secure an eyelet on a rope or sheet without splicing it.
The knot is non-jamming but tends to resist attempts to loosen it.
Other names
Hangman’s knot, Hangman’s noose, Jack Ketch knot, collar.
1. Fold the rope into three.
2. With the string left at the end wind it round the threes. When finished there should be loops at both ends.
3. Put the string which has been wound around the threes through the loop at the end.
4. Pull on the noose at the other end to tighten the loop.
Thank you.
darren what did you use the noose for
Time to kill myself
Thank you needed to learn this before I hang out with myself
Thanks now I can test it out.
Thanks, bye y’all
how is it up there?
Cool, see you in hell I guess…
This is good knowledge I plan on killing myself this week and this is perfect thank you
yo dont kys dude that kills man i love u ,
thank you… now I will kill myself happily.
time to end it bye
Yippee now I can hang around peacefully <3333
Me too… Wanna smoke a blunt and hang together? :3
Now the other end to the ceiling?
I’m a gnats cock away from doing this
Can’t wait to try this at my next hang out!
Please someone talk to me before I end it all;(
I’m so sorry for my family, but I’m glad I’ll be able to end the pain.