Directional figure of 8 loop

Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions
Directional Figure of 8 Loop step by step how to tie instructions


The directional figure of eight loop is used in the middle of the rope when load is applied in one direction.


The directional figure eight is a loop knot that can be tied anywhere in the middle of the rope
where the pull will be along the direction of the rope. It is a knot that can be made on the bight.
It is useful on a hauling line to create loops that can be used as handholds. It can alo be
used to create attachment points for knot systems like trucker’s hitch or versatackle.
The directional figure of eight loop can be tied quickly but once loaded it will be difficult to untie.


The loop must only be loaded in the correct direction or the knot may fail.

Other names

Directional figure of eight loop, Inline figure-eight loop, Single Bowline on the Bight


1. Start by making a loop in the rope.
2. Pass the loop behind the standing end.
3. Pass the loop around the standing end.
4. Pass the loop through the loop at the base of the initial loop.
5. Tighten.

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