The zipper sinnet key fob is quick deploy key fob consisting of easy to tie loops.
Used to make key fobs, bracelets, leashes and other paracord projects.
1. Take two pieces of about 40 cm long paracord and join them together using one of the connection methods.2. Cross the cords creating a loop. Make a bight with top (right) cord3. Pass the bight through the loop creating a noose knot.4. Tighten the knot so that connection point is outside the loop.5. Make a bight on left cord and pass it through the loop.6. Tighten the loop.7. Make a bight right cord and pass it through the loop.8. Tighten the loop.9. Left bight through the loop.10. Tighten.11. Right bight through the loop12. Tighten.13. Continue knotting until desired length is reached.14. Pass both ends through the last loop.15. Tighten the last loop.15. Cut the ends.16. Melt the ends.