The figure-of-nine loop is a type of knot to form a fixed loop in a rope. Tied in the bight, it is made similarly to a figure-of-eight loop but with an extra half-turn before finishing the knot. It is a little larger and uses more rope than the figure-of-eight loop but is easier to untie after loading and has greater strength.
The figure-of-nine loop can be used as an alternative to the figure-of-eight loop. It is used by climbers and cavers to attach a rapelling rope to an anchor.
Less likely to jam and easier to untie than figure-of-eight loop
Strong and secure but it is harder to visually check for integrity and correctness compared to figure-of-eight loop.
Double the rope and make a bight. Twist the bight to make a loop. Twist it again and pass the working end loop through the loop created by twists. Dress the knot and tighten.