Sheet bend

1. Form a loop in the end of one rope.
2. Pass the free end of the rope to be joined above the opening of the loop and around both parts of the first rope.
3. Pass the free end back under itself.
4. Pull all four ends to tighten.


The sheet bend is a knot that joins two ropes together. Ropes can be of different diameter.


The Sheet Bend is recommended for joining two ropes of unequal size. The thicker rope must be used
for the simple bight. It works equally well if the ropes are of the same size.




For maximum strength and in order to be most secure, the two free ends should end up on the same side of the knot.

Other names

Sheet Bend, becket bend, weaver’s knot, weaver’s hitch.


1. Form a loop in the end of one rope.
2. Pass the free end of the rope to be joined under the opening of the loop,
around both parts of the first rope and back under itself.
3. Pull all four ends to tighten.