Running bowline

1. Pass the rope around the pole.
2. Make a bight and pass the working end over the standing end.
3. Pass the rope under the standing end and through the loop.
4. Pass the rope behind the rope coming from the pole.
5. Pass the rope back through the loop to form a bowline.
6. Tighten.


Running bowline is a noose knot based on bowline.


Running bowline can be useful for retrieving objects by throwing a rope around them and
tightening the loop. It can also be used to tie a rope to a tree branch.
Advantage of the knot is that it is non-jamming and can be easily undone.




The running bowline is strong and secure. The knot will retain high portion of the rope’s original strength.


1. Pass the rope around the pole.
2. Make a bight and pass the working end over the standing end.
3. Pass the rope under the standing end and through the loop.
4. Pass the rope behind the rope coming from the pole.
5. Pass the rope back through the loop to form a bowline.
6. Tighten.