The four strand round braid key fob is a two color key fob made using simple braid.
Used to make key fobs, bracelets, leashes and other paracord projects.
Other names
Four strand round braid, Lanyard stitch, Diamond braid.
1. Take two pieces of about 40 cm long paracord and make a loop in the middle of the first cord.2. Pass the second cord through the loop.3. Take the left cord and pass it over the second cord (moving right).4. Take a third cord and pass it over second cord (moving left).5. Tighten. The first knot is complete.6. Take the right cord and pass it under the two middle cords (moving left).7. Take the third cord and pass it under second cord (moving left).8. Take the left cord and pass it under the two middle cords (moving right).9. Take the third cord and pass it over second cord (moving left).10. Tighten. The second knot is complete.11. Repeat the second knot until desired length is reached.12. Untie the last knot. Move the second cord to the right.13. Untie the last knot. Move the second cord to the left.14. Finish with footrope knot. Tie a lose crown knot.15. Pass the ends around and through the middle of the crown knot.15. Tighten.16. Cut the ends. Melting is optional.