The crown sinnet key fob is made by tying a series of crownn knots.
Used to make key fobs, bracelets, leashes and other paracord projects.
1. Take 2×70 cm of cord and cross them in the middle.2. Fold the bottom cord over the horizontal cord on the left.3. Fold the left cord over both vertical cords.4. Fold the right vertical cord down over both horizontal cords.5. Pass the bottom horizontal cord over the bottom vertical cord and through the loop.6. Pull on all ends to tighten. Crown knot has been created.7. Start tying second crown knot. Pass bottom cord to top.8. Left cord to right.9. Top cord down.10. Right cord to the left and through the loop.11. Tighten the second crown knot.12. Continue tying crown knots.13. There are several ways to finish. One of them is by tying four strand diamond knot.14. Look here for instructions on how to tie it.15. Cut the ends. Melting is optional, the stopper knot will prevent them from unraveling.16. End result.