The cobra weave key fob is classic key fob consisting of cobra knots.
Used to make key fobs, bracelets, leashes and other paracord projects.
Other names
Cobra weave, Solomon bar.
1. Take two pieces of paracord about 45 and 55 cm long, join them together using one of the connection methods and fold in the middle.2. Measure about 8 cm, make a loop with right cord and pass the end under the left strand.3. Make a loop with left cord around the other cord, pass the end over the middle strands and through the right loop.4. Tighten the knot.5. Start tying the cobra knots. Right cord over the middle.6. Left cord over, under the middle and up through the loop.7. Tighten.8. Tie another cobra knot with left cord over the middle and right under.9. Tie another cobra knot with right cord over the middle and left under.10. Tighten.11. Continue knotting until desired length is reached.12. Cut and melt the ends.13. Finished key fob from one side.14. Finished key fob from the other side.